1. "I hear you _______ out my name. I love the sound" Screaming Yelling Calling Belting None 2. "Tell you what I like, my __________" Wildflower Sunflower Lover Friend None 3. "I see the colour in your _____. It makes me smile." Heart Face Veins Smile None 4. "You're tellin' me, you're tellin' me, you're tellin' me, you wanna ____ ____" Come over Need him Be friends See them None 5. "I love it when you wear your ____ down over your shoulder" Shirt Straps Hair Scarf None 6. "You know you are my favourite _______. A fatal love song" Fantasy Memory Friend Dream None 7. "Cause I know where ______ is going" Luke He She Tonight None 8. "And I can see it in your face. You've got a side you can't _____" Discover Explain Fight Hide None Time's up By Xavier Malone