1. "Take me where the music ain't too ____" Loud Sad Bad Awful None 2. "Kiss me in the seat of your _____" Rover Sedan Truck Couch None 3. "Kinda hope you're following me out. But this is definitely not my _____." Style Crowd Sound Favourite None 4. "Nineteen but you act ______-____ now" Thirty-nine Twenty-eight Twenty-two Twenty-five None 5. "Pulling me close, begging me to stay over. But I'm over this ___________" Rollercoaster Lie Emotion Game None 6. "Trade drinks, but you don't even know _____" Us Why Them Her None 7. "______ down the road, walking home" Tripped Walking Falling Smiled None 8. "I'ma crawl outta the _____ now. 'Cause I don't like anyone around" Basement Floor Roof Window None Time's up By Xavier Malone